关于「 Bitcoinos」的内容列表

BitcoinOS (BOS) Open Source BitSNARK Verification Protocol

BitcoinOS (BOS), the infrastructure that supports Bitcoin's Layer 2 network, says it has open-sourced the BitSNARK verification protocol for further experimentation in Bitcoin. According to the team, BitSNARK allows zk-SNARK proofs to run on Bitcoin without changing the core protocol. With advanced cryptography, any code can be compiled and run onto Bitcoin. (CoinDesk)

2024-09-25 21:46:07
BitcoinOS (BOS)开源BitSNARK验证协议

支持比特币二层网络的基础设施 BitcoinOS (BOS)表示已开源 BitSNARK 验证协议,以便在比特币中进行进一步实验。据该团队称,BitSNARK 允许 zk-SNARK 证明在比特币上运行,而无需更改核心协议。借助先进的加密技术,任何代码都可以编译并运行到比特币上。(CoinDesk)

2024-09-25 21:46:07
BitcoinOS successfully verifies the first ZK proof on the Bitcoin mainnet

On July 25, the Bitcoin Rollup protocol BitcoinOS (BOS) successfully verified the first ZK proof on the Bitcoin mainnet, and the final verification was confirmed in block 853626.

2024-07-25 14:21:56

7月25日消息,比特币Rollup协议BitcoinOS (BOS) 在比特币主网成功验证首个ZK证明,最终验证在区块853626中得到确认。

2024-07-25 14:21:56